Our Vision for Upstate, ny
We are on mission to plant and grow witnessing communities of graduate students and faculty on college and university campuses across Upstate, NY. These witnessing communities are bringing the hope of the gospel to their campuses as Jesus calls every corner of every campus to follow him.
WHY Upstate, NY?
Upstate, NY is home to over 100 colleges and universities, many of which are premier schools with national and international renown. In Buffalo, you will find the largest most comprehensive school in the SUNY system as well as one of the most internationalized universities in the country. Rochester is home to some of the top-tier research universities in the country and has award winning colleges that rank among the top 100 schools in the US. In Syracuse, there are internationally recognized institutions with over 30 research centers that are known, both nationally and internationally, for their graduate and professional programs.
Why Graduate Students and Faculty?
Graduate students and faculty are the most influential people on campus. No one on campus has a greater influence in the lives of students on campus. Graduate students and faculty are the men and women who discover and give voice to the ideas that will change our world. They shape the structures the university and its professions. 30-40 years from now, the undergraduate students whom they are forming will be the world-leaders and culture-shapers.
If we want to reach every corner of every campus with gospel and if we want to change the world 30-40 years from now, it is strategically pivotal that we reach graduate students and faculty today.
Want to get involved in what God is doing to cultivate a witnessing presence among graduate students and faculty in Upstate, NY?
Become a Prayer Partner
Become a Financial Partner
Volunteer on Campus.